Type | Name | Description | Modified | Size |
| ADVOCATING FOR CHANGE | The complexity of the
issue, as well as the political, social, economic
context, will hugely impact the organization
advocacy approach. | 05/07/2018 | 424KB |
| A decade fighting child trafficking in Mzambique | Human traffickers sell children to the highest bidders, abusing them and leaving emotional scars for life. In Mozambique, criminals take advantage of children living in poverty by promising them prosperity in the cities or South Africa. | 21/08/2018 | 6MB |
| A decade fighting child trafficking in Mozambique | In Mozambique, criminals take advantage of children living in poverty by promising them prosperity in the cities or South Africa. | 05/07/2018 | 1MB |
| 3R Platform UPR Report_2020 | This report raises concerns regarding the general measures for the implementation of legislative instruments on the rights of the child, regretting, for example, the extinction of the CNAC in 2018. It also raise concerns about the general principles of children's rights; children's civil and freedom rights; violence against children; sexual and reproductive rights; problems with the functioning of community child protection committees; as well as well-being and the rights to education and to leisure. | 21/10/2020 | 540KB |
| 2022-24 Save the Children in Mozambique Strategic Plan | This is our Mozambique CO Strategy for 2022-24, which is based on our passion, experience and unwavering belief that every child deserves a future. It was developed through an inclusive process, working with children to ensure it responds where they feel their rights are most challenged in the country. It sets out how we will accelerate and amplify impact with children. | 27/03/2023 | 4MB |
| 2021 Global Childhood Report | The End of Childhood Index compares the latest data for 186 countries – the highest number ever – and assesses where the most and fewest children are missing out on childhood. Singapore and Slovenia top the ranking this year with scores of 990 out of 1,000. Eight Western European countries rank in the top 10, attaining very high scores for children’s health, education and protection status. Niger ranks last among the countries surveyed, scoring 392. | 14/06/2021 | 4MB |
| 2018-2020 Mozambique Humanitarian Response Plan | Este documento é a terceira revisão do Plano de Resposta Humanitária de Moçambique (HRP – sigla em inglês) desde Novembro de 2018.
O HRP (Novembro de 2018 a Junho de 2019) foi desenvolvido pela primeira vez para apoiar a resposta liderada pelo governo ao impacto humanitário do fraco desempenho da estação chuvosa de Janeiro a Março e o deslocamento de pessoas devido à insegurança em Cabo Delgado. | 12/09/2019 | 3MB |
| "Ungumi" melhora higiene menstrual das meninas | Através do projecto “Ungumi”, a ser implementado pela Save the Children em Moçamnbique na província da Zambézia, foram já foram distribuídas 1,600 calcinhas menstruais para 800 raparigas de 10 a 14 anos dentro da escola como forma de melhorar a forma como estas gerem a menstruação e garantir a sua permanência na escola.
| 03/01/2022 | 1MB |
| EFEITOS DOS QUITES DE IRRIGAÇÃO | No âmbito da resposta à seca na província de Gaza, o consórcio COSACA financiado pelas Organizações DFID e SIDA, na altura composto por 4 organizações internacionais, nomeadamente a Concern, Oxfam, Save The Children e Care, esteve a intervir nos distritos de Guijá, Mabalane, Chigubo e Chicualacuala entre Janeiro de 2016 e Junho de 2018, nas componentes de segurança alimentar e meios de vida, água e saneamento, cuja intervenção consistiu em prover alimentos, sementes e instrumentos de irrigação as famílias vulneráveis bem como promover a adopção de boas práticas de higiene. | 29/08/2018 | 1MB |
| DOUBLE DISASTERS The effect of cyclones | This Policy Brief was produced on the occasion of the Day of the Girl, the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. We are urging the government,
UN-agencies, donors, stakeholders and practitioners to adopt the recommendations against child marriage. | 02/12/2019 | 4MB |